By Jan Samuels

Heritage Ranch Golf and Country Club began welcoming new homeowners in 2001. As the community began to grow, so did its need for more activities. Just four years later, in 2005, a small group of singers led by volunteer resident director Jimmy Herman formed the Heritage Ranch Chorale. There were only sixteen charter members in the group, but they sang their heart out. Former member Jerri Clements made a list of the charter members years ago. She gave the list to Jim Dill, who was kind enough to pass the list on for inclusion in the history. The Charter Members were Jan Anderson, Art Beall, Barbara Beall, Debbie Black, Norma Butler, Mary Campbell, Jerrie Clements, Pat Dean, Jim Dill, Glenna Foster, Jimmie Herman, Louise Palmer, Jan Samuels, Tim Stafford, Joan Van Vliet and Larraine York. The only thing lacking was some male singers. So, at least one second alto became a tenor until more tenors could be obtained.

At first, we had volunteer resident piano accompanists, including Jan Anderson, followed by Judy Hewlett. After unsuccessfully advertising for volunteer resident pianists when Judy moved away, the Chorale Board began looking into securing a paid “outside the gates” accompanist. The Chorale Board made a request to the Heritage Ranch Homeowners Association Board in that regard and received permission to do so. The singers were fortunate to have Pam Reaves become the Chorale pianist. She served in that position for several years. Pam then retired as the accompanist and current Gail Wasson came to our rescue.

In 2006, the Chorale director, Jimmy Herman, retired due to health issues. Glenna Foster and Jan Anderson had heard of a Heritage Ranch resident who had the qualifications desired to direct our choir. They called Jesse Young and invited him to lunch and to be our new director. Fortunately, Jesse Young agreed to take the position. Jesse has been a choral director at both the high school and college levels.

The Chorale has been instrumental in funding ballroom equipment, along with the other HR performing arts groups, with the revenue generated proceeds going to the Ballroom Improvements Committee. The Chorale members individually paid for the risers which are used by all groups. In 2007 or 2008 the first-class Baldwin-Hamilton piano currently in use was donated by Chorale members Ed and Rosemary Dennis.

In March 2020 Jesse Young retired as Director of the Heritage Ranch Chorale after fourteen years leading the group. With grateful appreciation, Jesse was named Director Emeritus for the HR Chorale. The Board of the Chorale made a search of possible resident candidates for the position. Finding none, the HOA Board granted the Chorale permission to hire a non-resident to lead the group. Ben Turner, Director of Music Ministries at Suncreek United Methodist Church was selected to fill the position. He has directed various choirs including handbell, youth and adult church choirs and has served as Assistant Director for the Allen Symphony Chorus.

In June 2022 Ben Turner advised the Chorale that he had been offered a position as the Director of Music Ministries for Christ United Methodist Church in Plano. The position would require many more hours and, therefore, Ben would no longer be able to serve as The Heritage Ranch Chorale Director. The July 4, 2022, 7PM performance was sadly the last concert he directed at Heritage Ranch.

Again, the Heritage Ranch Homeowners Board approved our search for a non-resident director. Luckily, Audra Turner, Ben Turner’s wife, has very strong choir conducting credentials and was willing to serve in the capacity of Director, beginning in November 2022 after baby Lizzie’s birth in September 2022. Fortunately, Dr. Michael Crawford, the Director of Music Ministries at Creekwood United Methodist Church, near Heritage Ranch, agreed to be our Interim Director from September 2022 until November 2022 when Audra Turner began her leadership of the Chorale.

There are three free programs presented annually: two on the 4th of July, one in cooperation with the Veterans Day Program, and a holiday program in December. A spring concert is presented in May with tickets being sold. The revenue pays Chorale expenses such as music, program printing costs and the hiring of a professional accompanist and director.

The musical background of our singers varies from trained vocalists to those who don’t read music. As a result, no auditions are required. One must just enjoy singing and attending the weekly rehearsals.